How to spot genital warts, how to treat them, and when to see a doctor

If someone has had oral sex with someone who has them, these warts can potentially develop in the mouth or throat. Genital warts resemble warts that one may develop on their hands or other parts of the body. This is because different HPV strains, including genital warts, are the root cause of all warts. After an HPV infection, genital warts can develop weeks, months, or even years later. Some HPV carriers have no symptoms at all. Because of this, it is possible for someone to have genital warts even if they haven't had recent sexual activity. Some HPV carriers have no symptoms at all. Because of this, it is possible for someone to have genital warts even if they haven't had recent sexual activity. Except when someone scratches them or they catch on something, genital warts do not result in sores, bleeding, or open wounds.On or around the genitals, discoloured spots, rashes, or bleeding typically signify the presence of another condition, such as herpes or a skin infection. Th...